Hi Everyone,
I know everyone is anxious and you should be as this is going to start on a very strong footing.
Currently, the database is being loaded as promised and yes maybe it is taking abit longer than anticipated but the programmer and team leaders are all pitching in to keep this a go for Monday as scheduled.
Our programmer has developed a script to load all members in the system. This will be done shortly, so there is no need to panic. I have done this over and over for the past 27 years and this is normal.
Lots of things are being done in the background as well. The site is 100% bulletproof now with security. An additional advanced security certificate was just fully implemented yesterday on both the Diamond Elite sites and the PayItGlobal sites, so you will not have to worry about your personal information.
These are the huge positives that are going to attract marketers to us as we are going all out state-of-the-art with this program.
Launch is not far away everyone and all members pre-registered will be in the system prior to launch so don't worry if you have not received your email yet, you will.
We have a large dedicated team of seasoned marketers with very strong followings leading the pack, this is not often found in any program. We were all hand picked to lead this company and we will do just that.
You part as a team member is to do just that, support this program as you will soon be one of the leaders yourself.
Let's be patient, keep from emailing the company for now and let the people in charge get this done so we can launch on time as promised.
To your Success,