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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/24/2008 9:15:58 PM

Hello Roger,

For such a amazing Forum I am surprised the world has not jumped in and others who have posted thought it was only amuzing.You put so much time and thought into your post I think I would be some what offended by the responses or actually lack of.

Here are some things I share with people:

You can do more of certain things. what are the things that you should do more of to improve your life or your business?

You can do less of other things. What are the things you should be doing less of if you want to simplify and get control over your life or your  business?

You can start doing something new. What new things do you need to undertake to solve your problems, over come your obstacles, and achieve your goals? What steps should you take immediately to begin working on these new tasks and activities?

Often, one simple step in the direction of a new goal can simplify your life considerably.

You can stop doing certain things altogether. There are many things that you are doing today that made alot of sence when you started them in the past. Sometimes you can save many hours out of the day or week just by discontinuing certain activities altogether.

The only way to get contol of your time and simlify your life is to stop doing certain things. Setting priorities requires setting posteriorities as well.

those are things that you need to stop doing in order to free up time to do more of those things that are most important to you. for each to do list you need a not to do list as well.

This is just food for thought.

Kathy Hamilton/simikathy

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Nick Sym

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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/24/2008 11:29:30 PM
My Dear Brother Roger !

I have found that when a friend puts themselves down even in humor it is always best to build their confidence and I found a picture of you when you were younger - Come on, your cool !!!

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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/25/2008 7:40:43 AM
My dear Sir Roger!

I have been thinking about this for some time now.

We are told to get ourselves known, to socialize, make friends etc.

But if we join too many social networks, it isn't poss to be active in all of them. I find that I am active in certain ones.

I find Adlandpro the easiest (and therefore least time consuming) for creating forums and have therefore chosen to spend most of my time and efforts here. It's also a great place to be, of course, interacting with so many people.

I'm basically a very shy person and places like this are very good for me and I enjoy spending time here and in other online communities.

But, to be efficient with time, I must be very strict with myself and would give you the same advice. It is very easy to pass a number of hours here 'playing' (as my husband says).

We all need some playtime, relaxation time, but if we are here to help us build our businesses, be successful, make money (oh, I dared to say it too) and so on we must plan and keep strictly to that plan.

I agree with Kathy that with each to do list, there has to be a not to do list. Watch less TV is an example of saving time to be able to do something else.

I hate wasting time and therefore plan all the time.

As you know, my passion is writing. I plan when I'm going to write, I switch off the internet so that I can't be distracted, and I write for the time that I have set aside.

Well, I've given you my pennyworth. Does that help? I hope so.

Angel cuddles,

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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/25/2008 4:39:48 PM


Thank you so much for your posting.

Knowing how busy you are I am doubly impressed. You are one of the biggest social network promoters that I know so you are very well placed to give an opinion.

Great advice.

I, as I have stated, have taught time management and also have, as an NLP practitioner , taught people to ask the OPPOSITE questions, but I confess I have never made a list of the NOT TO DO'S. Great idea.

I am going to do just that. Thank you.

I am disappointed at the underwhelming response.

I recently had a huge problem with my internet (not all solved) which meant that I was no longer receiving forum notifications and therefore did not contribute. Maybe this is reflected in the poor response.

I am sure that your profile will lift the numbers visiting.

Thank you again.


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/25/2008 4:53:50 PM


Thank you.


Adland seems to be the most organised and is certainly easier to negotiate than many other, networks.

My mistake is certainly one of planning too many things to do. If someone asks me to help I love to do so but I then find myself overcommitted and admonish myself for not saying no or maybe.

You make the point that it's important not to  get involved with too many networks, and I agree, but, how do you say no to the person who says "I need you to join me in XXXXXXX social network"?

Like you I love to write and am planning to do more.




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