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Roger Macdivitt .

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Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/23/2008 6:26:38 PM

Hello Friends,


A       R O M A C M A I L      F O R U M


I have been quiet recently. A few challenges, some good some not so good. That's called life and, everything being equal, I like living.

Certainly my biggest challenge is time.

I have so much to do and so little time. I have even taught time management to those who asked for help, but, and here's the but, no matter how well you manage it, if you are deficient in time you have a problem.

I've stayed up longer to gain time and then overslept, I've gone to bed early with the intention of rising early only to find that something important came in the post and filled my already cramped day with a whole lot more.

SO, to the point of my forum here:


This is a human need. Many do not know how to make friends. Many pretend not to want friends and some even manage to get along with very few, BUT, to the majority of breathing, thinking and dare I say, intelligent folk, the need for friends is real.

There are those who surround themselves with family and make genuine friendships within that close group. It works for some. There are others who need the friendship of someone not close to family and far from there own geographical location. Somebody in whom they can reveal their most intimate secrets without fear of judgement or betrayal.

I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, that Adland has some of all the above and more. It's what makes it beautiful, and difficult, and jealous and kind and self-promoting and useful and awkward and shy and introverted and fun and............... I could go on. THAT'S FRIENDS.

So, Here are my questions? (And they are about On-line Communities and Blogging and the management of time).


EVERY DAY I AM INVITED to join THE LATEST, THE GREATEST and THE MOST SUPPORTIVE and the BEST FOR BUSINESS and so on. There are lots of really good ones and a few that TRY and a few that wimper in corners of the internet with a few members AND SUPER GIANTS.

Everyone has heard of Facebook and Direct Matches and so on and they are all so similar yet so different. BUT,

(2) JUST HOW MANY COMMUNITIES CAN YOU rationally belong to AND use?

I have joined a whole pile because I have been asked to by my friends, and I wanted to support them.

I have joined some because I thought it would be good for business.

I have joined others because I really wanted to be able to help others with my knowledge or skills.

BUT, many I have not got back to. I get emails saying, "You have a new friend, send a message" or "Skype Me" etc. but I am out earning a crust. My activity online cannot be 24hr so how do others manage.

(3) DO YOU, LIKE ME, FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THE PERSON YOU REALLY LIKE and were genuinely interested in only to find that YOU DIDN'T HAVE TIME?

I love to write and I will find out one day just how to write, and enjoy writing to amuse, inform, offer support, mediateand dare I say it MAKE SOME MONEY (Why not?).

My ideal would be to write and to pay somebody to post the bloggs for me.

How cool would that be?

For now can we just have some answers to the above from those who have answers.

I love Adland and Adlanders, it's still the best.

Love you all.


Steven Suchar

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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/23/2008 7:05:44 PM
"Thank You Roger For Your Personal Share" :)

Best graphics for your profile!
Nick Sym

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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/24/2008 2:04:31 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/24/2008 2:38:42 PM


Thanks for calling in.

Your comment is very true my friend.


Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: Needed, Friends? So, On-line Communities?
4/24/2008 2:40:35 PM


Were did you get that photo of me?

Thanks my friend.



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