Thomas, you quoted a lot of Scriptures, asked a lot of questions, and gave us a lot to think about!
The way I understand the bottom line is that we all have an appointment to one day stand before the judgement seat of Christ!
As one scripture states, "It is appointed unto all men once to die and after that, the judgement!" (Paraphrased)
The question is, Who is this judge before Whom all men will stand?
The answer is, He is the same One Who loved us enough to lay down His life in order that we may be able to share the joy that He had with the Father from eternity past!
He has returned to His place with the Father now where He continues to enjoy that perfect relationship that He also wants us to enjoy!
The ministry of reconciliation is exactly that!
We all know what it means to get a bank statement each month wherein our figures must be reconciled with those of the bank!
In the same way, Jesus Christ has come to reconcile us to the Father!
It was through Adam that sin entered into the world and it is through Christ that the sin factor has been taken care of!
When He went to the cross on our behalf, He took all our sins---past, present, and future---with him and in exchange for our sins, He imputed His righteousness to us!
What a deal! (See II Cor. 5:21)
What will give me the confidence I need to stand before His seat of judgement?
I have confidence that He is good! He is righteous and His righteousness has been applied to me!
I have nothing to offer as far as righteousness is concerned, I am totally dependant on Him to furnish what I don't have!
That's what it means to be saved by grace, through faith, and that faith is even something that He Himself provides!
Faith is only as good as that in which it is placed!
If we place our faith in a broken bridge, we could find ourselves at the bottom of some river, but when we travel we put our faith in strong bridges all the time and never give it a second thought!
Those of us who have placed our faith in the solid rock of Jesus Christ have nothing to fear! He is the rock of our salvation! He is firm, and sound, and anyone who is in Him has no need to be ashamed!
If we have not come to know Him, that's a different story! But to know Him is to love Him! We can't know Him without loving Him!
May the God of glory give us peace as we live our lives totally dedicated to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who loves us more than we can ever know!