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Jim Allen

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You Don't Just Eat the Egg
4/13/2008 4:59:33 PM
National Geographic Channel

Human Footprint 

Premiers tonight at 9:00PM EST

Sunday 9 PM ET/PT, April 13.

This show will be on televisions everywhere


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Aluminum cans

Showing Mass Consumption

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Elizabeth Vargas standing in front of piles of potatoes

Q & A With Host Vargas

See what Elizabeth Vargas learns after delving into the footprint.
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Beth Schmillen

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Re: You Don't Just Eat the Egg
4/13/2008 5:02:19 PM

That kind of Human Footprint (Human Foolprint!)

I clicked fast cause I thought it was an archeological find of ancient man! Darn!

Jim Allen

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Re: You Don't Just Eat the Egg
4/13/2008 5:04:44 PM

Hey Beth,

It is actually going to be quite interesting.  Thye are going to show us on a personal level how big our personal, singular footprint is over a lifetime. ;-)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Lydia Fokina

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Re: You Don't Just Eat the Egg
4/13/2008 7:06:50 PM

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Sheryl Loch

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Re: You Don't Just Eat the Egg
4/14/2008 7:28:27 AM
We do love the National Geographic site. They have so much info. We do get a few shows on our PBS station from them. I wish we got more.

It is amazing how much crap people waste. If everyone would just do a little something, can you imagine how fast things would start to change. One person did not make this mess so we are all held accountable. What pisses me off is when I try to do something to help Mother Earth & then you see the lazy slobs that do not care & just blatantly trash & waste her. They are also wasting time energy & money.

People need to stop their way of thinking as if THEY are the only person ever to count. They need to think more about the generations to come.

People have just gotten lazy!
Why drive around a parking lot for 20 minutes waiting on a closer spot? Get your butt out & walk! It is good for you!
Why wash clothes that you only wore for a short time while out? Hang them up if they are still clean.
How hard is it to unplug or turn off things not being used?
Does your local grocery store have reusable cloth bags? Ours does, & they are super simple to use - no instructions needed.
Are you cutting down all the trees so you do not have to clean the gutters? Hmm, no oxygen - no worries about gutters, now there's an idea!
These are just simple things, that everyone can do without notice to their daily life.

Ok, I will not get on a rant.
Sheryl Loch

For anyone that would like to help get a group of Earth Friendly people together to trade ideas - Adland member Benton has started a NING group. It is a small group now but, I would love to see it grow.
