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To Start off this forum. Here is one for all AOL users.
8/18/2005 1:29:34 PM
Hello all. This nasty little phishing email, with the added bonus of a virus arrived a few days ago. It was in our SPAM Box, but it had this message at the top of the email. --------------------------------------------- This message is in your Spam Folder because you are blocking mail with clickable hyperlinks (URLS). --------------------------------------------- Now, anyone new to using the Internet, who has set up their inbox to reject any possible virus infected emails with attachments or clickable hyperlinks, might well get caught by this simple little message. If you have this in your SPAM box & you are an AOL subscriber, send it or any other suspicious emails you may receive, specially the Nigerian scam mails to, Anyhow, below is the contents of the supposed email from AOL billing/member services. --------------------------------------------- Subj: Your AOL Account Problem.Rectify Now Date: 8/16/2005 6:55:58 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Sent from the Internet (Details) Dear Member, Your account was not billed due to some problems. You are required to follow all instructions given to you. During one of our regular automatic verification procedures we encountered a technical problem caused by the fact that we could not verify the information that you provided during registration. We urgently ask you to submit your information so that we could fully verify your identify, otherwise an access to AOL services for your account will be deactivated until you pass verification process. To verify and update your account, We strongly require that you. CLICK HERE IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT ACCOUNT TERMINATION Note that failure to verify your identity immediately will leave us no options than to deactivate your account. AOL Member Services --------------------------------------------- If any of you did receive this email & did click on the link, please report it to AOL at the TOS email address above. This is not a real email from AOL
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Re: To Start off this forum. Here is one for all AOL users.
8/18/2005 2:43:11 PM
Hi Anthony, I don't use AOL but have friends that do. Thanks for the heads up. Angela
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Flag of Craftie Linda

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Re: To Start off this forum. Here is one for all AOL users.
8/19/2005 6:30:25 AM
Hi Anthony Thanks for info Linda
Re: To Start off this forum. Here is one for all AOL users.
8/19/2005 8:33:13 PM
Anthony, Did you know that the majority of the Scam and Spam emails come from Free email accounts like AOL, Yahoo, and any other olace they can find where they can set up an account, enter their email addresses, send out the emails and then close the account! If the search engines would quit providing free email accounts and charge $10 everytime a person opened an account, it would soon become un-profitable for the spammers and scammers to operate. You may want to try to look up the persons name in Adland. Most likley you will not find them listed under the name they use in the letters they send out.
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Re: To Start off this forum. Here is one for all AOL users.
8/19/2005 9:39:03 PM
Hi James & Billie, nice to hear from you again. Yes a lot of these scams are from free accounts, yes I know AOL services are not free, you have to pay for an AOL account, but for some reason they have decided to go with the search engines i.e; yahoo, google,msn etc & let people have free email accounts with them. This has caused a lot of problems for long term AOL members who have paid for the privellage of having an AOL address, suddenly those members are banned from signing up with it & sending out mails with an AOL address is getting really hard. Mind you, trying to recieve emails to an AOL address is difficult, it seems that only spam & porn is getting through these days & legitimate emails are getting blocked. Something has to be done about the situation, if you look at the second thread in this forum, you will see that I've tracked back an email through the various servers it came from. It has used other peoples ISP's to divert from the original senders ISp. This is a trick that hackers use to utilise other peoples email address's to send out huge amounts of spam so that the original perpitrator does not get caught.

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