MPM One-Child At-A-Time Program
If you have been online for any length of time, you may have heard of My Power Mall.It?s a beautiful program that makes online shopping a truly profitable experience! But this time I don?t want to talk about making money. I would like to have your attention for the MPM One-Child At-A-Time program MY POWER MALL has developed the One-Child-At-A-Time program where 6% of all corporate profits will be given to a child with a specific need. It might be a life-saving operation, a seeing-eye dog, a week at camp, or any other deserving need. We profile a child's picture and story on your POWER MALL until enough money has been generated to meet that child's need and then we choose another child to help. We may not be able to help them all, but we CAN make a difference ? One-Child-At-A-Time. I look forward to welcome you!