Happy Sunday
Want to build a million-dollar business? Want to recession proof your life?
Here are some tips from the CEO of Billionaire U.
Think big. Think exponentially--shoot for 200 percent growth vs. 20 percent.
Do the unconventional. Go the extra mile. Work a little harder than everyone else does. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and do whatever it takes for as long as it takes.
Believe in yourself and your idea. If you're unwavering in your belief, you'll infect all those around you. Listen to those who are successful, don't listen to those who are not.
Share your vision. Tell everyone what you plan to accomplish. Some will help.
Execute. Get off the couch. Great ideas are a dime a dozen. Take action.
Focus. Do one thing extremely well. Multitasking is multistupid.
Never give up. Every successful person achieved that status after plowing through tough times and failures.
Ready to change your life? Ready to achieve the income most only dream about?
There are 3 kinds of people in the world:
1) People who make things happen
2) People who watch things happen
3) People who wonder what the heck happened
"People who make excuses DON'T make money. People who make money DON'T
make excuses. No matter what, NEVER quit!"
---- Donald Trump
TriUnity offers you the solution. Marketing, leadership, duplication and leverage will make you rich in this industry.
The Marketing: TriUnity's proven successful tools and systems...available in your backoffice
Get involved, Go for it, it works
>> Post Cards pulling 5% to 6%
>> Plug & Play Meeting presentation - limited offer ($300 in preloaded visa cards) with your purchase.
>> GoTriUnity & GG Money Machine Internet marketing system and leads
>> Powerful Clear Heart CD's and brochures
>> Corporate Flash websites
>> Drop Sizzle cards
>> Road Signs, classified ads
>> Your own personal product testimonies shared with friends.
Leadership: Be a leader, be positive, and make sure you and your team are on our live calls.
Duplication: Get your team marketing, get everyone doing something to build their business.
Leverage: Remember, it's better to have 1% of one hundred people's efforts than 100% of your own. If you sponsor one person a month and show that new person how to do the same, at the end of 12 months you would have sponsored 12 people and your group could grow to over 4000 strong.
Some of the most successful networker marketers in America will be on our weekly TriUnity live calls, where will you be?
Overview calls: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 6 PM (Pacific Time) 9 Pm (Eastern Time)
Training calls: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 6:30 (Pacific Time) 9:30 (Eastern Time)
Training/Coaching: Saturday at 9 AM (Pacific Time) 12 noon (Eastern Time)
All calls dial: 1-507-726-3420 then enter 21265 followed by the # key.
I'm doing it, my team partners are doing it and you can do it, too.
That's the simple secret to our success in TriUnity International
Best regards to your success