Ah, is it not the Cheese, Jim?
But what for the Sponge here? I guess, to wash utensils after Party?

If we wash utensils and we think only of a cup of tea which waits for us, that, perceiving our employment as a unpleasant duty, we hasten to finish it somewhat quicker. We do not live during that moment when we wash utensils. We are actually unable to be pleased to a miracle of a life when we cost near a bowl. If we cannot wash utensils (completely including in this employment), that is probability, that we similarly cannot and drink a cup of tea (completely including in this employment). While we shall drink tea, we shall think of other things and hardly we shall feel a cup in a hand. Thus, all of us time are aimed at the future, we do not live in the present and as a result are unable to feel to the full myself during each concrete moment of the life. And how you usually wash utensils?
Or is somebody sinkie here?
