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Jason Lamure

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Have you heard these Whoppers? Janes Sunday Sermon...
4/6/2008 8:30:06 AM
Wow! I just won 2500 Croc Ads Credits after I read 
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Whoppers! Jane's Sunday Sermon

Hi Jason


No I am not talking about the kind that go with fries.

I am talking about the great big lies people
tell when they have nothing real or important
to say so they just make things up.

I have a masters in psychology so...

I could tell you that people make things up
because they are insecure or sometimes
pathological or both.

I could tell you that making things up has
a become a way of life for many people
as a way to substitute for an boring or non
creative or very predictable life.

I could tell you these things but why would
you listen?

Here's why.

Whatever you do in your personal life is your
own business but what you do in a public life
on the net or in your business is very much
everyone's business and it counts.


Jane's Sunday Sermon.

Sales Copy
Sales Pitch

These things are all part of business on or off
the net and, if you are a good marketer or a good
salesperson, you know the difference between
puffing and lying between intriguing someone
and handing them a whopper.

Puffing is part of the marketing trade
Lying never should be.

For example:
Coke and Pepsi have been puffing for years.

You know the lines
" Things go better with Coke"

Is that true?

Well maybe.

If you like coke.
It certainly could be true

Pepsi says...
"You should join the Pepsi Generation"
and they show pictures of young and glamorous
people to make you feel that, if you drink Pepsi,
you could be one of them.

Is that true?
Well Maybe.

If you are young, you probably have no problem
being part of the Pepsi generation. If you are older
you just simply have to have the Pepsi generation
state of mind and you too can be part of that group.

Making you dream you can be someone other
than who you are right now is the art of advertising
and there is nothing wrong with that.

Let's take another example.

Go to any website that has a guarantee on it.

"I guarantee you will succeed if you buy this
XYZ tool."

If that is all the site says, You know it is a Whopper.

No one can guarantee that you will succeed at
anything since no one has that kind of control
over you .

If , however, the guarantee says:

"I guarantee you will succeed if you buy this
XYZ tool and, if you don't, I will refund your
money in 90 days no questions asked but this
XYZ tools is so good that I am certain you will
be back for more.

Now...The onus is on you to succeed and to use
the tool properly .

This is clever and part of a sales pitch
and is perfectly acceptable in advertising.

Let's take headline examples

Here are some Whoppers...

"Notification of Payment Received"
"I just sent you 997.00"
"You just received a payment"

These headline are lies
They are Whoppers

and, if I can editorialize here. I hate them.

They are misleading, unfair and they say
more about you then anything else.

Bottom line. These kind of subject lines
are not good for business. People don't
open them after a awhile, and, if they do, they
get ticked off at the sender...that's you:)

This does not seem like a wise business choice
to me.

However, you could take those headlines and
make them acceptable...dewhopperize them:)

For example...

"Notification of payment received"
could become

Follow me, you can get ' notifications
of payments received' all day long"

This may not be as sexy but it may be true.

"I just sent you 997.00"
Could become

"I'll show you how to earn 997.00 over and over again"

This is true.
There are people who can teach you to earn money

"You Just Receive a Payment"
Could become

" I just earned 997.00...So Can You"

All of these subject lines are sales pitches
designed to get you to open an email .
Nothing wrong with that do need to
be careful not to cross the line from puffing
to lying because your business reputation depends
on your honesty.

You may be able to fool people once or even
a few times but then they just tune you out, shut
you off and you're toast.

We've had some whoppers going around in
the political arena recently.

You know the ones I mean.
"I was under sniper fire"

" I will keep troops in Iraq for 100 years"

Remember this one...

The Iraq wall will be over in a matter of
six weeks, six months at the most. Do you
know who said that? He's gone:)

These were whoppers and not productive for
those who told them.

There is a lesson in there.
I hope you are getting it.

Whoppers are off limits. No matter who is
telling them and in what setting they are telling

Whoppers are bad for business...No matter
what business your are in.

They destroy your creditability and,
once you lose someone's trust, it is
very hard to get it back.

We all make mistakes in whatever business
we are in.

Those who just say so and move on and change
their method of doing business will succeed
Those who choose to make their way by
whopperizing are probably doomed to fail.

There's a saying that has sometimes been
messed up a bit of late.

Here is the real saying
"You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time, but you
cannot fool all the people all the time."

Do you know who said that?
Be quick
First one into my box gets 2500 free Croc Ads

If you are not a member of Croc Ads you can sign
up for free here

then shoot me an email at'm_No_Fool

The winner will be announced tomorrow
along with the answer.

You must be the first one into my email
box with the correct answer to win.

Have a great Sunday.

And if you have a whopper, take it outside
and bury it.

I am going on a Dewhopperizing campaign:)
You come too.

Have a great Sunday.


Jane Mark


Hope you enjoyed Jane's Sunday Sermon as much as I did.

PS: It'strue...the early bird does get the worm, or the 2500 Croc Ads credits as in my case today...I'll take ad credits for my site
over worms any day!

Jason Lamure
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Re: Have you heard these Whoppers? Janes Sunday Sermon...
4/6/2008 11:16:12 PM
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