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Lydia Fokina

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Re: April 5 - Lydia's name-day
4/5/2008 7:11:44 PM

Hello, Gaby!


На белом фоне

Thanks, love and hugs, Lydia


Lydia Fokina

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Re: April 5 - Lydia's name-day
4/5/2008 7:15:27 PM

Hello Dimitra!


Love and hugs, Lydia


Sharon Lee

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Re: April 5 - Lydia's name-day
4/5/2008 7:29:14 PM

Happy name day Lydia!!!! In Greek we use the same wish for Happy Birthday, Happy Nameday or Happy Anniversary: "Hronia Polla", which means Many (happy) Years.

Does anyone need to know...What is a Name Day??

In many countries, people don't just have a birthday but a name day as well.
In some countries a name day is even more important than a birthday.

Usually, each first name is assigned to one day of the calendar which corresponds to the feast day of a Saint. On that day you should wish that person "Happy Name Day"

In some countries, such as Poland, there are several days for one name. In that situation, the name day is usually the closest one after the person's birthday. That means you'll also need to know your Polish friend's birthday in order to know when to wish them Happy Name Day.


Lydia Fokina

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Re: April 5 - Lydia's name-day
4/6/2008 4:28:09 AM

Hello Sharon! Thanks for greeting!

Сама нежность

The tradition of celebrating of a name-day is known in Russia since XVII century. Usually before a holiday the family of the birthday's person cooked beer, baked kalaches, name-days pies and loaves. In day of the holiday the birthday man with native went to church, ordered a pray for health, put candles and was put to an icon with a face of the heavenly patron. In the afternoon to friends and relatives were carried name-day's pies, and often stuffing and size of a pie had the special sense defined by character of attitudes of the birthday's person and its relatives.  In the evening the celebratory supperwas arranged.

My birthday on March, 28th, and my name-day - on April, 5th, Lydia

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: April 5 - Lydia's name-day
4/6/2008 3:27:10 PM
Hello Lydia!

I'm a day late, I'm sorry.

I hope you had a great name day.

What a mine of info you are.

Angel cuddles,


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