
Forum: Yes It Is Political

Description: Start Your "Yes It Is Political" thread NOW. NO Ads Please as They will be Removed! "Yes It Is Political" is open to all with a political viewpoint they wish to share or discuss. It doesn't matter your persuasion or topic all are welcome to post new topic threads, politically motivated on ALL Topics. Feel Free to Share Your Viewpoints #YesItIsPolitical "Active Threads Will Be Featured * will appear in the Highlighted yellow threads at top of this board.
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Last Post 12/5/2018 3:18:37 PM
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Jim Allen


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism White people are being aske
8/14/2017 9:07:18 PM
3 1156
Op-Ed Barbara Ehrenreich: White working-class longevity drops along with white p
8/14/2017 6:28:56 PM
1 146
Bill Maher: This is why Trump will win again in 2020
8/14/2017 3:43:10 PM
1 133
Congress Sanctions Russia as CIA Veterans Reveal Forensic Evidence DNC FRAMED Th
8/14/2017 3:37:18 PM
2 839
Watch Tucker Carlson Expose The Feminist Agenda For How BATS**T INSANE It Is.
8/9/2017 1:47:06 PM
3 620
GOOGLE, How Do You PREPARE A Country For TOTALITARIANISM? To be ready for dictat
8/9/2017 1:12:01 PM
1 707
UNBELIEVABLE! => Mitch McConnell Rips POTUS TRUMP Over His “Excessive Expectatio
8/8/2017 8:32:34 PM
1 523
Artist responds to possible Mark Zuckerberg presidential run with 'F*ck Zuck 202
8/8/2017 12:53:48 AM
1 191
Extortion 17: 6 Years Later Retired Air Force Captain Says Pentagon Covered Up R
8/8/2017 12:45:23 AM
1 193
Study: Thousands of Illegal Duplicate Votes Tainted 2016 Election
8/7/2017 1:47:30 PM
1 160
"The Holy Spirit pointed something out to me this morning ..."
8/5/2017 1:45:31 PM
1 3526
HORROR: Lt. Col. Shaffer Just Exposed Debbie Wasserman Shultz And The Muslim Bro
7/28/2017 9:23:38 PM
1 214
CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9 11’
7/17/2017 7:27:29 PM
1 141
WATCH BEFORE REMOVED!!! WE FOUND IT! THIS Hillary Clinton & Bill Clinton
7/17/2017 12:46:14 AM
2 175
Baby Boomers and their spoiled children....UPSIDE down AmeriKaKa
7/16/2017 6:01:09 PM
1 223

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