
Forum: What are the things that compete most of your time?

Description: For most of us, balancing the demands of a career or profession, family and personal life is an ongoing challenge especially if you are the bread winner of your family. Attaining the right work-life balance seems impossible to most of us… people who strive hard everyday to give something for their families in the role of providing the financial support like education, paying bills, paying mortgages and the lists goes on….. wondered how can we manage careers and families to achieve and feel...
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Last Post 5/27/2014 11:44:57 PM
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Jeng Cua


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Work Life Balance
5/27/2014 11:44:57 PM
1 545
Hi Jeng, thanks for the invite but...
5/27/2014 3:26:53 PM
1 545

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