
Forum: Everything is Open for Discussion - Let's Talk in the Kitchen

Description: If you post here without a profile with image your posts will be deleted. We all have opinions, occasionally we even have good ideas. So whatever you have a strong opinion on let us have a discussion. Please do not start new threads for an ad. They will be deleted. Please be aware that blatant advertising in conversation threads, will be deleted. Now let's try to be civil. If you can abide by these simple rules, WELCOME!..
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Jim Allen


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
We have some very nice ladies that are in this weeks' POTW.
Page: 1, 2
3/8/2008 10:34:19 AM
9 429
William Vanderbilt is the 133RD Person of the Week
3/4/2008 8:49:19 PM
2 235
You've Just Struck the Mother Lode
3/1/2008 9:35:49 PM
3 277
An AdLandPro Feature
2/29/2008 11:25:23 AM
3 381
Have You Voted for JP Award?
2/28/2008 12:04:42 PM
2 192
VOTE for Person of the Week #133
2/26/2008 10:29:42 PM
4 203
Looking for Nominations to POTW
2/26/2008 9:32:23 PM
1 201
Lydia Fokina is the 132ND Person of the Week
2/25/2008 1:52:21 PM
4 217
WOW What a Fine Bunch of Nominees! Let's VOTE!!
2/23/2008 12:34:53 AM
1 217
Happy Valentines Day
Page: 1, 2
2/15/2008 2:24:57 PM
9 563
2ND Distinguished Woman of the Week Judy Smith
2/14/2008 3:52:59 PM
4 313
VOTE for 131ST POTW!!!
2/11/2008 12:38:42 PM
4 260
2/11/2008 10:12:05 AM
3 407
Team Building In Progress
2/11/2008 12:52:35 AM
4 312
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4
2/10/2008 6:45:45 PM
16 855

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