
Forum: Everything is Open for Discussion - Let's Talk in the Kitchen

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Jim Allen


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton | Electoral College, 2016 [Oct. 29]
11/2/2016 3:44:54 PM
2 43
WHAM!!! Rick Santorum DESTROYS John Kasich and Jeb Bush for Breaking Their Pledg
11/2/2016 3:34:56 PM
1 80
Introducing Online Courses for Journalists on Facebook
10/31/2016 9:38:04 PM
1 253
Scandalous VIDEO Footage From Anonymous EXPOSES Huma And Hillary
10/31/2016 7:10:04 PM
1 54
Report: FBI agents withheld new emails from Comey for weeks
10/31/2016 6:28:43 PM
3 65
WTF! Things that seem obvious aren't so let's have fun with them.
10/31/2016 6:27:35 PM
2 321
The World Without US - Documentary 81 Min
10/30/2016 6:30:24 PM
1 31
Ads & Chat
10/29/2016 3:00:37 AM
2 47
Make money online
10/23/2016 6:41:01 AM
2 45
The US Special Forces Who Avenged 9/11 on Horseback
10/21/2016 7:17:51 PM
1 72
How To Lose Weight Before The Holidays And Keep It Off...
10/18/2016 4:35:56 PM
1 50
CNN Anchor Warns Of Post-Election Violence Due To “Hatred Dripping From Trump’s
10/15/2016 6:09:41 PM
1 56
Clarence Thomas, Part II A Response to #theCommunityWall
10/14/2016 4:58:11 PM
2 50
American Politics
10/14/2016 1:20:17 PM
1 36
Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
10/14/2016 3:58:23 AM
1 50

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