

Description: A forum consecrated to the fine arts in the world history, and more particularly to the great masters of painting and sculpture.
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Last Post 4/23/2019 8:26:55 AM
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Luis Miguel Goitizolo


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Rockwell painting sets new American record
Page: 1, 2
12/8/2013 9:45:24 PM
8 500
Western masterpieces make a splash in China
Page: 1, 2
12/6/2013 7:35:25 PM
7 610
Amazing photos in rare online auction
11/23/2013 3:07:04 AM
4 506
Bizarre images created by Romanian photoshop artist Caras Ionut
11/11/2013 2:55:33 AM
4 224
The Arctic like you've never seen before
11/6/2013 1:39:24 AM
3 1362
The Billionaire, the Secretary, and the Stolen Monet
10/31/2013 7:50:23 PM
2 226
Spooky photos capture America's decay
10/29/2013 12:41:48 AM
3 934
Haunting beauty captured in abandoned buildings
10/24/2013 11:21:10 PM
3 552
The Sistine Chapel has a problem: You
10/23/2013 8:28:37 PM
2 241
Best wildlife photography of the year
10/21/2013 1:32:13 AM
4 612
Underwater pics almost too good to be true
10/17/2013 3:40:12 AM
5 601
Crafting scenes of iconic Americana
10/9/2013 2:27:57 AM
3 561
Donald Brown, Sculptor
10/7/2013 3:41:22 AM
1 139
Syria's cultural treasures at risk
10/1/2013 1:43:02 AM
4 229
Tower Infinity: the case of the 'invisible' skyscraper
Page: 1, 2
9/12/2013 11:00:16 PM
6 2074

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