Ismael Hernandez
Do you have an internet connection in your home?? Can you spend at-least 1 hour per day?? $100 per Day and $1000+ per month
3/23/2019 12:28:32 AM
Lawrence Bergfeld
Today I listened to a great call with Bob and Anna Bassett. Anna mentioned about that Harvard University did a case study on students who wrote their goals versus those who did not write them down. The 3% of the ones that wrote it down became successful over the 20 year period and the other 97% that did not had floundered in life. Lawrence Bergfeld
9/9/2015 10:31:57 AM
Lawrence Bergfeld
Specialized Knowledge is acquiring knowledge from the person who is considered to be an authority. If one is here only to gain knowledge and not use it then he should go and watch television because he is a follower. But if one is here to do exactly what his mentor teaches and not reinvent the wheel, he has to then put what ever he had learned into a plan of action where he sets goals and meets the deadlines. If he does not meet the deadlines over and over again he is going to be a wandering .
4/22/2015 5:39:45 AM
Lawrence Bergfeld
This evening I was on a call done by my good friend and Mentor Richard Dennis on time management. He mentioned in the call that there is a difference between urgent and important. Urgent is when you should do it and important is when you must do it. The best thing is to take action on the things that are most difficult to get off your shoulders and then you will have more time to do the easier stuff. That way you will reduce the pressure on you when deadlines come. Lawrence Bergfeld
10/13/2014 4:00:50 PM
Lawrence Bergfeld
The reason why pitching your deal is a big mistake is because it does not make you sound more intelligent than any other network marketer. It tells the prospect that you want to sell him something. If 95% of the population hates being sold, why be the person to be avoided like the plague. It makes no sense. Stop Pitching Your Deal!! Everybody knows a SYSTEM where they can train you for FREE to get all the traffic you need. Lawrence Bergfeld
7/22/2014 10:35:10 PM
Lawrence Bergfeld
Too many people make the mistake of waiting for the perfect time. You must start doing what you want to accomplish NOW. Procrastination destroys peoples lives because what might be successful today might be a failure next year. A telephone call might work well at one moment and not another. Whoever was successful decided quickly and took action at the moment. Procrastination killed their businesses. Lawrence Bergfeld
6/5/2014 2:29:09 PM
Lawrence Bergfeld
Bob and Anna Bassett lost a TON of money in a seven year period. However they managed to turn it around with the following... read on Lawrence Bergfeld
8/12/2013 7:50:53 AM
Lawrence Bergfeld
I have learned that you have to give value to others in this business or else you are toast. You have to ask what is in for the prospect, NOT YOURSELF. The reason why you have to do this is because by asking questions you get to know your prospect. Do not ask questions out of the blue though, ask the questions based on what he meant not what he said. If you do not know what he meant ask. That way you may or may not have the solution. All you can do is just listen. Lawrenc Bergfeld
6/5/2013 10:20:51 AM
Lawrence Bergfeld
I love playing the piano. My favorite song is the chicken dance. I love the lyrics..It goes like this. "I don't want to be a duck, I don't want to be duck, quack, quack, quack, quack." "I don't want to be a duck, I don't want to be a duck, quack, quack, quack,quack."
8/10/2010 11:54:04 PM
Virgilio Clemente
Someone saw my webpaige and sent me information, That is helping me and my family. I want to share this information with you. Email me for information.
8/11/2008 1:51:22 PM