
Who is Dwayne Armstrong?

Dwayne Armstrong

Dwayne Armstrong
BirthdayWednesday, March 13, 1968
Member SinceMonday, April 3, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, May 8, 2013
LocationEdmonton, Alberta, Canada Canada
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About Me
About Me

Well, let's see. First, I am a finishing carpenter from Canada. I enjoy woodworking, and helping folks renovate their homes. I do a lot of specialized renovations for people with disabilities like wheelchair ramps and kitchen and bathroom renovations. I also enjoy dabbling online with my internet business. It's mostly just a hobby of mine, but has really turned into an actual money maker! A pleasant surprise. My favorite program right now is Free1Up. I have NEVER made this much money online EVER!!! It's kinda cool to open your mailbox and get $50 Money Orders DAILY (usually 1-2 a day) If You are interested, just check out my site - It's Free to join AND you can make money as a Free member (although I upgraded so I can use the Ad system and get even MORE $50 Money Orders - It only took 2 Money Orders to land in my mailbox before I realized the potential of this program). Go Here TODAY! IT WORKS! IT WORKS!! IT WORKS!!!


 I have just joined AdLandPro, and am enjoying every minute. A lot of really friendly people here.


Message me if you have any comments/questions about online marketing or visit my web page for all the latest ideas that I have stumbled accross. All of the ideas I have found will make you money, but you DO have to put some work into it. Nothing in life comes to you for FREE. Those are called SCAMS!!! I research each opportunity myself, and recommend them to my family and friends. There is usually something for everyone out there, and you don't need alot of experience. Lord knows I am no "Guru" (heh, heh), but I am making money online and am willing to share my experiences with you (and anyone who will listen - LOL)!


Another site that really helped me out was the Plug In Profit Site by Stone Evans. Follow 3 Easy Steps And He Will Personally Build A Money Making Website For You!


Well that's enough from me for just one last link and then I'll stop. This one I haven't really checked all the opportunities out yet, but there is something for everyone on it. There are over 11,000 online and offline home business ideas and opportunities to check out. Click Here for more info. and remember ---- Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained! Have Fun!!

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Eveline Johnsen - (11/16/2009 8:46:45 PM) : Hey Dwayne - greetings from Blackfalds (just north of Red Deer). Hope you're having an awesome day!


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