
Who is Robert Mikaelsson?

Robert Mikaelsson

Robert Mikaelsson
BirthdayTuesday, January 1, 1974
Member SinceWednesday, November 9, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, October 16, 2008
LocationStockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Sweden
About Me
About Me
My name is Robert Mikaelsson, 31 years of age and from Sweden. Working full time with MLM in a very strong international team. My experiences and knowledge comes from sales and marketing, I also have a special interest in internet marketing. I am currently working on a great business that also happens to be the biggest trend on the internet today, and the fastest growing in terms of financial growth. POKER and INTERNETGAMBLING! I am dedicating myself to this exciting business and am working hard to achieve one of my short-term goals, which is travelling around the world and spend time playing GOLF. I am glad to meet new people and help them make some extramoney! Internetgambling, POKER, MLM, and all collected at one site: and then push join for free and then use sponsorusername: mikaelsson sponsoruserid: 152039 there you can check it all up and try everything and if you don´t like it just forget it, because there are no oblications... so there are nothing for you to loose by checking it out!
My Interests
My Interests (4)
Interests: Affiliates, Investing
Industries: E-Business, MLM
Comments (4)
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Kathy Hamilton - (11/22/2005 11:23:43 AM) : hello, great aspirations you have,great job,welcome,kathy martin
Robert Mikaelsson - (11/22/2005 11:23:43 AM) : Thanks
Hope you are doing fine...


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