
Who is Yola Orlowska?

Yola Orlowska

Yola Orlowska
BirthdaySunday, January 24, 1965
Member SinceTuesday, June 28, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, February 10, 2009
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About Me
About Me
Me. You really want to know? View my blog it may incite or excite

I'm too outspoken, blunt when I should show more tact and do not suffer fools.

Easily bored. Fussy. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn.

Always have to be right. Love relaxing, but also very driven. I get what I want ALWAYS.

Lucky. Weird and offbeat. Best taste is music and movies.

Like to see and be seen. Very creative and think differently.

Love to be center of attention. Social and have lots of friends.

Rebel. Vengeful and crazy if someone's on my bad side.


I am the CREATOR, owner/operator/manufacturer of Elixir Body Care.

The bodycare I have created has cured dermatitis and psoriasis and that wasn't even my intention.

I created the skincare for me. I was frustrated, unable to find anything for my skin that worked.

What I developed was a completely natural range of just three products that cured imbalances.

What would happen if you never suffered from dry, oily, combination, sensitive or acne prone skin ever again?

What would you think if just three products produced these amazing results?

What if these three products also reduced your pores and minimised your wrinkles?

How would you feel if the moisturisers lasted up to four months and saved you a small fortune?

What would you say if it had the technology to preserve itself and I mean by that, it contained NO preservatives?

Would you be excited? Or at least curious?

These products are a WORLD FIRST. Pure and unique.

I CHALLENGE those who have not used my skincare to use it for just two weeks and discover a real improvement.

In the unlikely event that my skincare does not work, I will gladly give a full refund. A NO RISK OFFER ! Absolutely nothing to lose. So to those who are going to make claims that my skincare doesn't do what I say...then I ask quite simply that they PROVE IT and discover the Pure Beauty Truths.

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Michael... Clayton - (9/30/2010 11:12:13 AM) : Hi Yola, Go to forums and make your forums active, also visit Regards Michael


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