
Who is Elizabeth Rooney?

Elizabeth Rooney

Elizabeth Rooney
BirthdayWednesday, May 25, 1955
Member SinceThursday, November 10, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, March 15, 2007
LocationLompoc, California, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

First and Foremost I am a Woman of Strength and Deep Conviction...


I view life as something of great importance and thus never take a single day for granted... I choose to live my life based on Honor, Honesty, and Loyalty to those to whom I make Commitments, and as such I do tend to expect others who enter into my life as friends or business associates to possess those characteristics as well...


I am college educated having both an MSW and PhD in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences from Holy Cross College in Massachusetts and a Masters in Business Administration from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee...


I do a great deal of volunteer work in the Domestic and Child Abuse fields for an area Battered Women's Shelter, and make a modest living as a graphic artist and web designer. I also own a gift and collectible business and maintain a full shop on the web which can be linked to from the site map to the left of the page...


Although I am a parapelegic as a result of a broken neck, I live quite independently and have a fairly normal life for the most part... I still play and enjoy a good game of Tennis or Basketball, love to ride horseback, swim on a regular basis and own and maintain (4) four businesses... I cook, sew, garden, maintain my own home, play a keyboard, bass guitar, pedal steel guitar, classical piano, dulcimer and the clarinet as well as composing music... So I guess You could say the world didn't come to an end simply because I no longer have the ability to walk... A Wheelchair is by no means the end of the world, and I personally believe we must each live life on lifes terms even if they are not so great.


My Favorite Quote...


"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing."


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