
Who is Heather Rush?

Heather Rush

Heather Rush
BirthdayMonday, March 27, 1972
Member SinceMonday, June 30, 2008
Last ActivityMonday, February 23, 2009
LocationWatchung, New Jersey, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Hi I am Heather,

I have another account I have entered regarding Reverse Mortgages, which I love, but several month ago a friend introduce me to United Credit Education Services and all I could say was, WOW. I know once you check out my website and listen to a presentation you will see how hugh this is and how much bigger it is going to be,


I have been searching like most everyone to find income that is going to give me back the quality of time to enjoy my life and family/friends and not just work to make ends meat. 


I am 36 years old, and I am tired of working behind four walls from 9-5 and still not getting anywhere. I would rather work from home from 7 in the morning till 1 in the morning and be able to move around and talk people face to face if possible.


I want to have a baby and know that I do not need daycare and my child and I can have the quality time they deserve. My mother and father divorsed and my mother had to work three job to keep up with times and she still worked pay check to paycheck and we hardly saw each other. She had know time to interact in my school. So, I had little to know activities with school, except just attending regular class. She had know time to help with home work or to encourage me to push myself to be the best I could be.  I do not blame her because what does not kill me makes me stronger and I am a very strong independent women. I love to have people around, but I do not need to rely on anyone, I have learned to do thing on my own. In the same breath I also learned that we are all in a community and we all need to help each other grow and expand and by helping one another we are helping ourselves, but I can still change a tire myself, HAHA.


So, when I was introduced to this business opportuntiy I realize I was going to have to work at it, just like anything else but, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know my hard work now will bring me residual income for years to come, it's a fact. I see it everyday in action with everyone who is involved and everyday from new distributor that are just getting involved.



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