Photography, philately, travels and spelaeology, the old music of'70 years, coins and banknots, art, antiquitys from 1870-1940, old photo cameras, relics of Ceausescu's comunist time I live with Maria-my wife,Andy-my son ,15 years old and my mother ,in Turda,an old little town,near the West Carpaths Mountains on the borders of Golden Rivers(Aries Valley).The town is officialy born in 106 afHr when the Roman Empire captured Dacia from Dacs.I finished in 1983 the High School of Medicine and I worked in some places from the country, like in 1994,when I returned in my city and I started my comercial business. Well there are 3 cats in our life : Pysoo(the 6 years old boy) and Kitzy (the 3 years young girl and the little boy,Poofy...3 mounth)'s a crazy (cats) world...
In 2005, my business,an Analog Photo Studio is ruined.Well, the Digital Technology arrived here too.Wellcome! (...but..).
Every ending is a good start.I started search on Internet some business and I find AdLandPro and I hope to find many friends for help me with their experience or some good advices. Now I have find DUBLI !!!!!!!
I live in Romania, a beautiful country , but with many problems ! One of the problems is that Ceausescu,the Communist Dictator from 1965- 1989 is not dead !!! He live now in about 20 000 000 romanian people !!!
I tell you a jock : At the last Communist Congress someone asked Ceausescu: -What can be happening if the West European Countryes trow to us with the Atomic Bomb? Ceausescu answer (with patience): -Stay calm , Man ! We will not be affected,because we are behinde the West , with 50 years !!! Well,I live in Romania ,in Transylvania...Dracula's land !!!
-Romania is not accepted in many programs.I don't know why.(Dracula.?) Well..The jock is only one answer !!After 1990 there are many answers too.We hope that 2009,2010,2011... something will change !!
I HAVE A DREAM ! I search someone who want to invest in the old Railwaytrain Company (90 km railway with some old stations and some old locomotives, in the West Carpaths Mountains near the Gold River). I want to present you the big potential for travels.Many villages with the old life,many ethnological Museums,many caves and many good people wait to be visited from all the world. I present you the big problem of our Gold Mountains: Rosia-Montana ,a new El Dorado of the World. We thing that it will be a disaster, if the extracting gold with cyanides starts. SAY STOP TO THE GOLD EXPLOATATION WITH CYANIDES IN EUROPE,IN ROMANIA !!! MAKE TRAVELS IN THE AREA !!! WRITE US !!! |