About Me
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About Me
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Hi, My name is Virgil Cook and I am an Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Coach and Trainer.
I started out in this business the same as most of you. Not knowing anything about internet marketing or for that matter, not much about the internet either. I have been in and out of many home based businesses over the years with most of them falling by the wayside. That is until I found a good Internet Marketing System.
The reasons why most of the opportunities did not work out was for the same reasons most of you are having with the lack of good contacts or leads. We all know that some people can just say hi and have people signing up, but most of us do not have that gift.
Well, I am like the normal 99% of the rest of you out there that was not born with this gift so I really had to work for it. During my successes and failures I have found that in order to make any business a success, whether it be a brick & mortar business or an online business opportunity, you need a lot of good information and you must have a good quality marketing system.
My Interests
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My Interests
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I haven't selected any of my interests yet.