
Who is George McClain?

George McClain

George McClain
BirthdayThursday, June 5, 1947
Member SinceFriday, May 27, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, July 11, 2005
LocationBelton, Missouri, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests (4)
Comments (3)
Friends (12)
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Forums (4)
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Greer Trumble - (6/18/2005 11:31:02 AM) : Mac is a good man that I have some things in common with and like a lot. He was among the very first to greet me warmly at Adlands, and I appreciate that.
Kathy Hamilton - (6/2/2005 12:25:19 AM) : Hello, very nice site,welcome,you should share your information with the community and post a forum to let everyone know your here. Kathy martin
George McClain - (6/2/2005 12:25:19 AM) : Thank you, beening very new I'm still trying to learn how very thing work. As soon as I know how to post to the community I will and to invite friend to and from I sure will. Again thank you very much for the great comment.


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