Welcome Friend, 
I am happy to meet your
Acquaintance and look forward to networking with
you in the Future.
I'd like to give you more information on my
Internet Background and who I am.
I have been marketing on the Internet for little
over 6 Yrs now, at first I struggled to make
money on the Internet…
Trying Randomizers, Doublers, MLM’s, Two-tier
programs, HYIPs, I was working my fingers to the
Bone, Racking my brain over technicalities that I
had no clue about.
“Getting more confused and desperately frustrated” 
Then a Revelation came to me 2 yrs into my Marketing
experience, the Revelation was that the Internet is
the 21st Century Gold Rush...
It kind of came over me by the remembrance of a
Great Prime Time TV Drama…
"The Little House on the Prairie"
Now some of you may know of this TV Drama, the
one Family that had an impact on me other than
the “Ingle's” is the "Olson Family".
Those of you who know the "Olson Family" know
what I am talking about, but please allow me to
explain the “Olson’s” to the people who dont.
During the Gold Rush times the Olsons lived a great
life, better than most of the Towns folk, you may be
asking yourself why's that.
Allow me to expound, During the Gold Rush
everyone was Rushing to San Francisco (like they
are to the Internet) to mine Gold, well that’s where the
"Olson Family" came in, they had a Merchant store
for all General Purposes...
Including the Tools that the Gold Miners needed to
use to "Mine the Gold" in them thar hills and
"Strike it Rich"… that was the American Dream
back in the late "1940s"...
According to Historical Statistics that out of all
the People who journeyed to the Great West that
ONLY 1% of all who rushed to San Francisco to
Mine Gold Struck it Absolutely Positively Rich
never to have to Work a Day in their Life ever again.
5% of these people made such a big Profit they were
able to live extravagant Lives...
Now wouldn't that be "GREAT"… we all want to find
that one Get Rich Quick scheme that will set us Free
from the Day to Day Ratt Race we are stuck in, if you
are one of the 1%ers that made it, then Congratulations
and we welcome your insight to our Forum...
If you're not then you will want to be like the
"Olson Family" (Part of the 5%) and start to sell the
Internet Gold miners their Gold mining Tools they Need to
"Strike it Rich" on the Internet...

PLR Money Making KIT! everything you Need to start making Money on the NET!
The "Olsons" lived an Exciting and Vibrant Life
back then, going to all the Extravagant Parties,
Huge Society Gatherings, and owned a Large
Beautiful Home out in the Mountains, with Butlers,
maids, and ground keepers that kept their Huge
Home Looking Beautiful all Year round...
Flowers Bloomed with Vibrant color schemes, grass
trimmed to perfection with a rich bright green color.
The "Olsons" ate the Best Gourmet Foods, they had
the Best Crafted Carriages for their Travels, they could
afford the Top Breed of Equines to pull their Carriages,
and they wore the Finest Clothes money could BUY.
Do you know what that meant to me???
I'll tell you what that meant to me, that meant in order
to make the Money and live the Life that the "Olsons"
did I needed to sell the Internet Gold Miners their
Gold Mining Tools... 
For example: Safe lists, Email Blasters, Blog Blasters,
RSS Feed Blaster, FFA Blasters, Classified Blasters,
I know your a Smart Cookie, you can see where I am
going with this...
Provide a Valuable Marketing Service for all the
Website Owners on the World Wide Web, and you
will be able to make money without even trying.
These website owners will seek you out for your
new marketing service that you are providing…
and best of all there are100s of thousands of new
Websites that are being Launched every day.
Guess what… they need a way to get traffic to their
new website so they can promote their work at home
opp-ortunity or service.
That’s where you come in and fill that need, its just that
simple. Take a look below and get started today, we will
help you every step of the way, website uploading,
marketing, website graphics, sales letter for easy lift off,
website template and more.
Go here for Private Label/Re-Branding Rights and
Source Codes to some of the Top Advertising Tools
that the Internet has to Offer at Discounted Prices
that cant be beaten anywhere.
Save the Benjamins Sale: Help KEEP the Benjamins in their Normal Habitat... YOUR Pocket!
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The MONEY is in "the List" - "the List" - "the List " everything you need to build your own personal targeted optin list quickly and effectively!
"To your Greater Success"
Tom “theToolman” CEO
Industrial Sized Marketing Tools
at Rock Bottom Wholesale Prices