About Me
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About Me
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My name is Terry Reid, I love networking with people who are truly trying to build a profitable business on, and off line. I've been in Network Marketing for over 4 years, the first 3 years I spend in the dark age. Right now I found the secret to game...it's always right in from of my eyes, but when you are chasing the money you can't see it. I am an Electrical Engineer and make pretty good money doing what I do, but I want more for me and my family. Network Marketing has open my eyes to a new world, it has shown me a path that I can now look forward to spend valuable time with my family and friends. Please add me as a friend and lets build a networking relationship!
Secret #1>>>it's not about chasing the money.
My Interests
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My Interests
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I haven't selected any of my interests yet.