
Who is Leenu Harris?

Leenu Harris

Leenu Harris
Member SinceThursday, April 21, 2011
Last ActivityMonday, July 28, 2014
LocationSydney, New South Wales, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me
Hi Everyone it is great to be here! there are so many really friendly people! I really must tell you about 2 fantastic sites that offer very similar friendship! go to: -I have so many friends from all over the world! The new sister site is bizoppers- . I love the interaction on these smaller sites, as I have really made friends, not just a list of people who say they are friends! I think that is very important as the facebook kind of thing starts to be raher meaningless!I do some internet marketing but most of what I do has been helped by real friends on swom! I hope the same will happen here! leenu
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Edmund Fellinger - (5/17/2012 11:00:59 AM) : Hi leenu,please accept my friend request. I appreciate you more,best wishes,Edmund
Michael... Clayton - (6/13/2011 7:23:19 AM) : Hi Leenu be nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
K Bandyopadhyay - (5/29/2011 6:20:24 AM) : Hi Leenu, can we become friends?
Cheryl Maples - (4/23/2011 5:42:09 AM) : Hello Leenu, I wish you a warm welcome to our friendly community. It's a great place to network. Much success, Cheryl


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