
Who is Mathew Suddath?

Mathew Suddath

Mathew Suddath
BirthdayMonday, May 3, 1954
Member SinceFriday, August 31, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, August 31, 2013
LocationRichmond Hill , Georgia, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am one of Jehovah"s Witnesses and look forward to making contacts in the business world. I am not here to sell merely to inform. There are so many reasons why we work the way we do. We need to feed our families; we want to lessen the financial burdens we have; or we just want more time to pursue well earned vacations. In a world that is fast paced and consumes our valuable time, we forget that we are human and need real downtime for thoughtful meditation. This quite time allows us the regenerate, refocus and reorganize our thoughts of family and God. This has always been a necessary part of our balanced existence which truly leads to happiness. Please checkout and feel free to down load any of the publications music or videos, or simply look for a question like the "Fear of death, how can you overcome it" Jesus once said that it was knowledge that meant everlasting life (John 17:3). Good day.
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