
Who is Silvia Medina?

Silvia Medina

Silvia Medina
BirthdaySaturday, December 1, 1962
Member SinceSunday, January 4, 2009
Last ActivityTuesday, June 9, 2009
LocationBaldwin Park , California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I just wanted to share with you that after fourteen years working in a retail company I was laid. I know this is no new and could happen to anyone, since then I am looking the way to find a job from Home. Well, but this is not so simple because I had been expose to fraud and scam opportunities. But something good happen because I learned to differ from bad and good business opportunities. Now I joined a company that not treats your business as MLM or downline schemes. It is sad that so many people out there have been burned by MLM and illegal business opportunities and I understand your skepticism. There business model is simple: To charge you a high price to get you into their program and offer you a pyramid scheme which gets all of your friends and family members mixed up in the same scam. Even worse, most of these companies force you to buy their products to maintain your membership. Before you make the decision to join, I just wanted to assure you that this is an honest program and there are NO HIDDEN FEES AND NO UP SELLS. What you see is what you get. You are not going to get a phone call in a week trying get more money out of you. Our business model is to sell health and beauty products, not make money off of you. We don't make a penny until you make a sale. This is why we do everything we can to help you succeed in your business. Your success is our success.
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