
Who is Lura Thuneman?

Lura Thuneman

Lura Thuneman
BirthdayFriday, June 17, 1949
Member SinceTuesday, August 7, 2007
Last ActivityTuesday, December 2, 2008
LocationElizabeth, Colorado, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My name is Lura and I am from the Ozarks of Arkansas. Originally from Louisiana, Baton Rouge, and we, my husband and I decided to get away from all the turmoil and such that Louisiana has endured since our last Hurricane in 2006... I do however miss my family but we had to do what we had to do. I do keep begging them to move here. We have 3acres and offered them to build here by us....There is plenty of room for family. Well, I am now working from home and loving it.. My company is Free of Charge including all advertising offered to us in our back office is free of charge. My Power Mall is just one division of Together We Can Change The World, Inc. A team of 60 people have been building this company since the Fall of 2002. Another division called Shop For Charity Day uses our systems to raise money for 150,000+ registered non-profit organizations, schools and churches. Together We Can Change the World Day mobilizes people all over the country to make a difference in their communities on the first Saturday of every month. Together We Can Change The World Publishing puts out a series of books with titles like 101 Ways You Can Change The World, 101 Ways to Support our Troops, 101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World, and many more. The whole reason for this company is to harness the power of online spending to change the world – changing your life along the way. I’m telling you all this because as My Power Mall grows as a company I will be challenging all of you to use your life to make a difference – whether you want to give time or money. I promise you that as a company we will be leading the way. We’ll be giving 6.5% of corporate profits to the One-Child-At-A-Time program. But that will just be the beginning. Another 5% will be put into the Together We Can Change The World Foundation – becoming a source of funding for projects near and dear to our hearts. Even more money will be allocated toward tremendous exposure for Together We Can Change The World Day. I truly am committed to mobilizing millions of people on the first Saturday of every month to work in their local communities. Corporate income will also be used to hire more people to take the Shop For Charity Day message to even more non-profits – giving them even more income to fulfill their missions – without it costing them a penny. 117 BILLION DOLLARS was spent online last year. The Together We Can Change The World divisions are channeling large amounts of that back to where it can make a difference. I hope you’ll see that we are doing everything we can to fulfill our mission. _____________________________________ We also want to address something very important in the beginning – Just who can be a part of MPM? The best way to answer this question is to share another letter from our CEO, Ginny Dye… Who is My Power Mall for? As I watch the world spin around me I see so much division and separation. People are separated by beliefs, by politics, by race, by religion… This separation and division are the cause of most of the problems in our world today. People can’t work together to solve problems because they are too busy focusing on how they are different. It makes me very sad and I am determined that will not be a reality within My Power Mall and within my larger corporate structure, Together We Can Change The World, Inc. So who is MPM for? It’s for EVERYONE! Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, New Age, Atheist, Agnostic… Black, White, Indian, Asian, Hispanic… Democratic, Republican, Independent, or the myriad of other political positions in the world… Someone asked me recently if MPM is a Christian company. “Do you want it to be?” I asked. They looked confused and answered, “Well, yes.” “Great,” I replied. “Then it is for you.” They stared at me, dumbfounded. “What kind of an answer is that?” “The only one you’re going to get,” I replied, grinning. “I’m not going to label my company. If someone wants it to be Buddhist, then it can be a Buddhist company for them. It can be whatever works for people. We’re here for everyone and I refuse to apply labels that will divide and separate, or keep people away because they are afraid they won’t fit.” “But surely you have your own beliefs,” they persisted. “Well, of course I do, but what difference does that make? They are my own personal beliefs that make me the person I am but all I care about is that people come from a place of love, caring, respect and integrity. I find that in every single race, religion, political party and belief system. I simply want to embrace PEOPLE – not separate myself by espousing my own beliefs.” I could see they were starting to understand… “Look, all I care about is empowering people to change their lives, to fulfill their dreams, and to help them make a difference in the world. That’s really all that matters to me – what I’ve been called to do. Other people can fight for their beliefs or their political stance. I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do. That’s why My Power Mall is for everyone.” “Okay, I get it,” they said slowly. “But do you have any limits?” “Absolutely! I will not allow My Power Mall, or any other division of my company, to be used to fund terrorism, hate crimes or pornography. If I find evidence of that the Malls will be shut down that second.” So there is my message to you all today. My Power Mall is for everyone. We are a world-wide family that encompasses and embraces everyone. Welcome to our Family!
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