
Who is Saba Sarwar?

Saba Sarwar

Saba Sarwar
BirthdayTuesday, February 2, 1988
Member SinceMonday, August 13, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, December 1, 2007
LocationBronx, New York, United States United States
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Jack Sunshine - (3/1/2010 3:55:22 AM) : SABA... Sunshine Jewelry offers you a way to make good money showing our jewelry catalog book Many of our distributors are making good money from Home and you can do the same you can make it Full Time or Part Time just call us and mention ADLAND to receive a FREE CATALOG call 1-800-767-4469
Razmik Vartanesyan - (9/29/2008 2:50:00 AM) : Hello,Try this True or False questionaire....*You have enough money in your lifeTRUE or FALSE*You have no worries about money or billsTRUE or FALSE*You have plenty of time for friends or familyTRUE or FALSE*You can buy anything you wantTRUE or FALSE*You like the feeling of being brokeTRUE or FALSE*You love waking up to go to work on MondayTRUE or FALSEWant to make a CHANGE? Its Easy.To Your Success,Razmik V.duayt55@yahoo.comskype:ralne25


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