
Who is Ron Corbin?

Ron Corbin

Ron Corbin
BirthdayFriday, June 3, 1977
Member SinceThursday, March 5, 2009
Last ActivityTuesday, February 9, 2010
LocationConnersville, Indiana, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My name is Ronald Paul Corbin, born and raised in Indiana, USA.

Living in the Midwest my entire life has been a wonderful experience. Nothing is more quaint than small town life. I play in a band, produce music videos and short films. Have been told I am "Small town famous".

One of my hobbies is Social Networking and marketing. I enjoy it, and love creating something and watching it flourish and grow.

I recently purchased and welcome everyone to come by and earn extra cash by doing what you are doing now.

Thank you for stopping in.
Ronald P Corbin
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Alain Deguire - (6/2/2012 3:09:38 PM) : Hello Ron! Tomorrow is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Angel Jerome - (2/22/2012 4:22:57 PM) : Nice To Meet You, I'm Angel Jerome,I was browsing when I came across your profiles on, I found myself thinking,I can't help waiting to know more about you. Let's exchange some emails and get to know each other. I realize we aren't exactly across the street from each other but you never know what the future may bring to us.if interested. my email angeldiag@yahoo com , Angel
Jack Sunshine - (2/18/2010 3:01:07 AM) : My Dear Friend, become a Sunshine Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates.Also making parties at home, It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For Information CALL : 1-800-767-4469. ASK FOR.FOR A FREE CATALOG


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