
Who is Jeff H.?

Jeff H.

Jeff H.
Member SinceFriday, October 23, 2009
Last ActivityFriday, November 13, 2009
LocationLynnwood, Washington, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I'm a former U.S. Marine who after departing the military decided I wanted to try my hand at sales/marketing which quickly led into the business world. I have both successful and unsuccessfully started many home businesses throughout my life. I have no regrets about anything. Each new venture that I started I was able to take away great wisdom and life long lessons that guide me to the next project. We all are chasing the mighty dollar and each have our own reasons,perhaps that is why I started a blog called . I started this to first create a community of like minded people who could share and give advice on various MONEY making programs. I currently invite anyone who has a idea or program to come and share their thoughts and programs for the sole purpose to HELP others. Of course I've put the typical Google Adsense on the sight to see if I too can make a buck. But in all I truly believe the fastest way to success is to HELP others get their first,,,And once they reach it they will guide or pull you into the success circle. Yeah that may sound foo-foo, but it's what I believe. Thank you all who have already reached out to me and welcomed me to this community I appreciate your kind invites and words of encouragement.
My Interests
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Cheryl Maples - (1/9/2011 5:19:04 AM) : Happy Birthday, Jeff! Have a great day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (1/7/2010 4:53:54 AM) : Happy Birthday, Jeff. I think I might be close to where you are in WA. Have a great day! Cheryl
Peter Van Nieuwenhoven - (10/24/2009 7:01:25 AM) : Hi Jeff welcome at Adlandpro and thank you for the offer.need advertising? look at this one, it just launched: can also make money with it.kind regards, Peter
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (10/23/2009 3:08:36 PM) : Welcome to Our Community, AdlandPro Jeff


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