
Who is Tiffany Asmussen?

Tiffany Asmussen

Tiffany Asmussen
BirthdayFriday, April 15, 1977
Member SinceThursday, April 21, 2005
Last ActivityWednesday, May 17, 2006
LocationSnohomish, Washington, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

My name is Tiffany Anne Asmussen. I'm 28, Engaged to the love of my life of 6 years. His name is Chris.We have 3 children. A 7 yr old son Johnny, and 10 yr old daughter, Kayla, & a 12 yr old son, Jacob.  We were lucky enough to be introduced to a business oppertunity that made it possible for us to come home to be able to enjoy them as they grow up. Recently I decided to go back to work, for fun.. I had to much time on my hands being 28 & Retired. So Now I am a Call Center Manager. My website pretty much runs itself now.






I love to help other's, with that being said.. I am HERE FOR YOUR SUCCESS!!!


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Lee Talmadge - (4/3/2006 11:43:55 AM) : Hi Tiffany,
I apologizes for the delay rating and wish to Thank You for your friendship,I'm honored to have you as part of adland family.I wish you success in all you do :-) Lee
Antony Sands - (8/24/2005 5:56:24 PM) : I like your site very much.
Tiffany Asmussen - (8/24/2005 5:56:24 PM) : Antony,

Thank you very much!!!

I am glad that we have become adland friends.

Look forward to more conversations.

Thanks for the rating..

Your friend

Tiffany Asmussen
Bill Hall - (8/17/2005 7:20:51 PM) : Very nice site! good profitable business venture!
Tiffany Asmussen - (8/17/2005 7:20:51 PM) : Bill,

Thank you so much for the rating.. Please feel free to visit my site and check out the Videos on the IGI TV.. it has made me close to 60k +100,000.00 Worth of limited edition collector quality art.. Payable to me .. After only a ONE TIME PURCHASE OF ART I WANTED... Never have taken another dime out of my pocket since DAY ONE (1)... Interested in seeing more of the oppertunity of a lifetime? Just email me @

Thank you for the RATING!!! You are A GREAT ADLAND FRIEND!!!

Your Friend

Tiffany Anne
Sergio Musetti - (7/9/2005 2:14:19 AM) : Hi

What is the online business that you most like?

Sergio Musetti
Tiffany Asmussen - (7/9/2005 2:14:19 AM) : Sergio,

Thank you for the rating.. The online business that I like most is mine. It has made me over 50,000.00 in just 4 months.. & that is with not selling a thing!!! I retired just 3 days after starting it.

If you would like more info on it.. Please feel free to contact me via email @

Thank you & I hope to hear from you soon!!

Tiffany Asmussen
28, Retired, & Lovin it.
Allan Lohals - (7/8/2005 6:07:17 AM) : Active in your forum, ansvers each individual. I like that, and will try to do it my self. Though it takes something I do not have much of...Time Good job Tiffany.
All the best Allan
Tiffany Asmussen - (7/8/2005 6:07:17 AM) : Allan,

Thank you so much!!! I really appriciate the compliments..

You are a great friend, as I look forward to being able to chat with you even more in the days to come.

Thank you again
Your Friend

P.S. Thank you for the rating also!!
Greer Trumble - (7/6/2005 2:36:47 PM) : Tiffany is very active in the community and I see her a lot in my forums. My daughter is a young artist, and I like art anyway, so I REALLY like her art related web site! I'm glad that Tiffany is my friend!!


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