
Who is Reginald Metts?

Reginald Metts

Reginald Metts
Member SinceThursday, October 14, 2004
Last ActivityTuesday, January 19, 2010
LocationDetroit, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hi My Name Is Reginald Metts If you are looking for alternative health products that not only work but are the purest and safest on the market, then you have come to the right place. We have focused our attention on what your body needs and wants. Trusted Health Products are potent, all natural, refreshing, and new. Every product comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee or all your money back no questions asked. Visit Our Website & Give us a try; you will be glad you did.
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Missy Johnson - (8/13/2011 8:27:28 AM) : Just stopped to say Hi
Cynthia Wright - (8/9/2011 6:11:07 PM) : Hey Reginald... I'm interested in knowing more.. (*_*)... you also might want to share your news on it's a Networking Site and start'n to POP! please let me know what you got go'n on.. set up your profile at and I'll ad you to my friends list (~_*) by the way I'm bUneek there too (*_*)
Sharon Currie - (7/21/2011 2:23:16 AM) : Hi Friends I just want to share some thing with you how you can get help with your medications and more. You can requesting your Free Prescription, Lab and Imaging (MRI )Savings Card. An active card is below that you can print out and use right away! Print as many as you want and give them to your friends, family and anyone you know that could use them! You can also forward this email t
Patrick Pierre - (4/24/2011 1:13:03 AM) : Happy Easter!
Fernando Guasch - (3/7/2011 2:53:44 AM) : Come join us at The Art World forum.
Cheryl Maples - (10/18/2010 5:26:33 AM) : Happy Birthday, Reginald! Have a great day! Cheryl
Jack Sunshine - (9/29/2010 1:27:44 AM) : Hi Reginald, I just wanted to say how nice it is to have you as a friend. Have a nice day. Free groceries
Pepito Siaton - (9/12/2010 11:36:13 AM) : We belong to the Blue Ocean Industry(market Not Saturated)The Blue Ocean refers to a market not contested by a competitors. Such market provide little or no competition for anyone who dives in, since the markets are not crowded.Two patents granted Anionic Tape and Genital Inflammation Amazing Health Benefits.
Marion Kelly - (8/24/2010 8:12:52 PM) : Hi There. Whats new? What works?
Cynthia Wright - (7/30/2010 3:46:02 AM) : Hi Reginald... come hear me sing at I'm bUneek there and trying to start a band (*_*)


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