
Who is Tony Disernia?

Tony Disernia

Tony Disernia
BirthdaySaturday, August 20, 1938
Member SinceFriday, September 14, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, March 5, 2011
LocationAlbany, Oregon, United States United States
About Me
About Me

“Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart”

Hello, my name is Tony Disernia, and I am 69 years old. My wife, and I are trying to survive on Social Security. I have been a carpenter; sales person, insurance agent, and I worked in manufacturing assembling electronic, and small mechanical devices for most of my life. I tried several MLM companies out there, and failed. I always thought it was my fault for my failures. I love the Internet, and computers, and I knew that there was a way to earn a living with them. When Janice Warburton found me I was trying to learn how to write ads on the Internet, and I wasn't having much success at it. Janice saw one of my ads, and we started corresponding with each other. She invited me to download Michael Dlouhy's e-book “Success in 10 Steps” to read. I liked it so well that I asked her for more information. Janice introduced me to the mastermind group Mentoring for Free, and their 10 Free skills call that they have every week. After I had listened to several of the skills calls I was hooked. This beats anything I have ever come across in Network Marketing, and I knew that I could do this. I learned that my failures were not my fault, and I realized that this system really works. It wasn't hard for me to jump right in and follow Janice's lead. I appreciate Janice, and all the other team members out there who really want everyone to succeed. There is no other system out there that can measure up to this one. For your free copy of the e-book just click the link below.

God bless, your friend, and mentor,
Tony Disernia

I appreciate you
Tony Disernia
(541) 928-1756 PST
Call me anytime
Click Here for Your Free e-book "Success in 10 Steps"

“Make This a Great Day!”

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Charles Wealth - (4/4/2008 6:20:49 PM) : hey Tony are you interested in doing some joint venturing?
Joelees Wholesale - (10/11/2007 11:17:20 AM) : Hi Robert,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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