
Who is Ralph Frazier?

Ralph Frazier

Ralph Frazier
BirthdayThursday, July 14, 1949
Member SinceFriday, November 4, 2011
Last ActivityFriday, March 9, 2012
LocationBerllin, Maryland, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Was born in alex, Va. lived in northen va. for 40 yrs, veteran Army 1968-1971 Fathef of 4 girls the youngest is 17 , now live in ocean city md. worked as a carpenter most of my life , I'm in to marketing now ,and have found a great program that makes me money , and helps kids out at the same time. go to church every time we have a service
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Cheryl Maples - (11/9/2011 5:31:59 AM) : Hello Ralph, Thank you for accepting my invitation to be friends here. Keep in touch, Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (11/5/2011 4:33:15 AM) : Hello Ralph, I wish you a warm welcome to our friendly community. Much success to you, Cheryl


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