
Who is Trina Quarles?

Trina Quarles

Trina Quarles
BirthdayFriday, January 21, 1955
Member SinceSunday, February 27, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, September 21, 2006
LocationChicago, Illinois, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I Welcome you.

It will not take but one conversation to realize how passionate I am about living longer and enjoying every day as a treasure. Creating memories to last a lifetime is a lifestyle I subscribe to, and staying healthy to discover and explore all the adventures that life offers is my daily goal.


As we both know, life is influenced by the amount of money we have, and working a 8 to 5 job really doesn't help me live my passion of enjoying life as I desire. I possess a strong work ethic and a positive attitude, but spending a third of my life working for someone else challenges me to do better than that.


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