
Who is Jerome Ball?

Jerome Ball

Jerome Ball
Member SinceSunday, January 14, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, August 20, 2007
LocationAshland, Alabama, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Let's be real here. When you think about your daily life does it excite you? Are you overflowing with gratitude and joy for the incredibly easy, fun, and abundant life that you live? I sure am! Making lots of money is easy. The real joy for me comes from being able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of thousands of people all over the planet and to be honest with you I hardly even work at it. I spend more time playing with my kids than I actually spend working. Haha! In fact the funny part of it is that I'm not even that good at what I do, it just happens to be so darn easy that a low tech guy like me could have phenomenal results just by following a system. God, I'm glad I didn't have to create the system (that would be too much like work) I just plugged into it. What do you want your life to look like? Are you gonna get there by doing what you have been doing? If you haven't found the perfect opportunity yet that is in complete alignment with your personal values and provides the income you desire to live the incredible life that you deserve, then we should talk. Face it. You are where you are now because of the choices that you've made. Let's assume you made those choices using your best thinking. Are you completely satisfied with the results you've gotten from your best thinking? Are you SERIOUS about getting better results in your life? Are you willing to think outside of the box of your best thinking (and maybe get a little uncomfortable)? Well? NOW we're getting somewhere. Check out my website. I will mentor you towards the results that you desire. If you are coachable, trainable and serious about creating financial freedom and a life without limits I will share my simple wealth creation secrets with you. It will be work, but believe me it will be a heck of alot easier than the struggle you've conditioned yourself to accept.
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Tina Bryant - (6/20/2007 7:19:58 AM) : Thank you for visiting
Joelees Wholesale - (6/11/2007 9:43:00 PM) : Hi Jerome,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-)Lee
Joe Downing - (4/23/2007 1:48:27 PM) : Hello Jerome,
It is always good to make a new friend. It is even better when a new friend replies to a friend invitation with a warm personal message. Usually I am ad blasted! Not you! That is a great sign of someone with the friendship integrity. Thank you!
Your friend,
Joe Downing


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