
Who is Nova Merritt?

Nova Merritt

Nova Merritt
BirthdayFriday, February 15, 1980
Member SinceTuesday, February 14, 2012
Last ActivityMonday, November 3, 2014
LocationAkron, Ohio, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am a stay at home mom of 1.My daughter is going into the 12th grade this year (yay) One of the things I wanted to make sure she knows before she goes out on her own is to eat right and use products that are safe.One day I came across a company that has so many green products of such a high quality.I am so happy I found this great opportunity and I would like to share it with as many people as possible.Our health is so important to us and when you use the right and safe products you get results.I only just begun with this company and the best part about it is they not only deliver great products at great prices but they allow you to be able to earn residual income just for helping others become more aware of the benefits of using green products.So please if you care about the future of yourself and others contact me for more info.Thanks
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Industries: Advertising, Bizopp
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