
Who is Nancy Shewell?

Nancy Shewell

Nancy Shewell
BirthdayMonday, June 28, 1948
Member SinceTuesday, March 29, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, February 4, 2006
LocationJoppatowne, Maryland, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I was born in Topeka, KS, USA and was an Air Force brat, graduating from high school in Goose Bay, Larbrador in 1966.  Have pretty much been around the world, thanks to the military. Dad was AF, husband was AF and I spent some time in the Army. I've lived in at least 8 states and 4 different coutries, and toured much of Europe.


My husband and I were divorced when our 2 children, Jim and Karin, were young (they're grown now), so I raised them by myself. I have now remarried my husband and we're happy as two larks!. We have two grandchildren, Zachary, 13 in Oct 2005, and Hailey, 3 in March 2006.


I took my first computer class just for something to do in 1991-92, and immediately fell in love with computers! Of course I rushed right out and bought one, but I didn't start getting onto the internet until several years later, then I was really hooked!


I first got into the internet marketing business in March 2005, so I'm still pretty much a newbie, learning from my mistakes--and still making them at times! I do not own my own business or have my own website, I am an affiliate of several online biz opps. I still don't have it together when it comes to hmtl and building a website, but I didn't think I'd ever learn how to get the banners uploaded, either, and I did! So, I guess I'll eventually learn the website stuff, too! Anyway, I love internet marketing, and I really enjoy myself when I find someone who knows less about it than I do, and I get to actually help someone else get started. Maybe one day I'll know enough that I can take people like me by the hand and show them the way. Aside from being successful in my own business, that is my goal.

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Brenda Kelly - (2/12/2007 11:20:34 AM) : I have visited your store and it seem very good and interesting. I have noticed you have almost everything that a home need. I am going to visit again and I am going to let my friends know also. keep up the good work. Have a blessed day. You can visit my profile and website as soon as you can


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