
Who is Mike Rugh?

Mike Rugh

Mike Rugh
BirthdayFriday, November 22, 1985
Member SinceSunday, May 11, 2008
Last ActivityFriday, March 27, 2009
LocationHayward, Wisconsin, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I'm currently attending college in the East Bay area of California. I'm trying to get my business off the ground before I graduate, and Mentoring For Free has really helped me so much. I extremely grateful to all of the mentors in this program because they have taught me so much valuable information. Anyways, I should be graduating soon and hopefully my business will be huge by the time that happens. Thanks for reading!
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Cevin Gauthier - (4/20/2010 9:38:50 PM) : Good day to you Mike. I'm from Hayward WI also. We can help each other. One way I can help you is: All the tools you need to make it on line: My email and phone # is on the site if you need to get in touch. Thank you Cevin Gauthier


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