
Who is Cris Badgley?

Cris Badgley

Cris Badgley
BirthdayThursday, August 22, 1974
Member SinceSunday, July 9, 2006
Last ActivityTuesday, December 2, 2008
LocationTemperance, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hello, I'm here to network and make friends, And grow my business. I help people get the health benefits they need. I health people get a health insurance package that comes with 30+ benefits they can use everyday that saves thousands a month. We offer no turn down health plans that range from $69~$273 a month. (Not Discount Plans) We accept all health conditions and everyone in the home is covered. I am available to help you enroll 7 days a week 9am~9pm EST Please tell your friends and family about us. Our plans are like no other company out there, we are a financially stable not for profit corp in good standing with the BBB and Chamber of Commerce. We are looking for people who need an extra income. Work the hours you choose and earn what your worth. Visit our site and click on the "opportunity" button.
My Interests
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Kathy Hamilton - (1/2/2007 5:26:44 AM) : Hello and thank you for your rating, great website very familiar with it,

glad your here.Kathy/


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