
Who is Monica Holmes?

Monica Holmes

Monica Holmes
Member SinceTuesday, April 18, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, October 15, 2008
LocationPerth, Western Australia, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me

My name is Monica Holmes and I live in Perth, Western Australia with my husband Graham.  We have two daughters one in Vancouver and one in Ireland.  We have been in Perth since 1983 when we arrived from the UK. Graham works in the Planning Department for our local council.  I am a CEO in Perth and also have a fabulous internet communication and marketing business, using streaming video e-mail.


Since arriving in Perth I have been a local Councillor, a Member of State Parliament and am now a Dame of the Orthodox Order of the Knights of St John.  I am a Justice of the Peace and a Committee Member of the Board of the Australian Society of Association Executives in WA.  I have a Graduate Certificate in Management, obtained from the University of New England, New South Wales.


I am really looking forward to meeting and networking with new friends on AdlandPro.  Please come and say Hello to me!  Have a great day. 

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Monica Holmes - (10/17/2006 6:24:58 PM) : Thank you very much Carl. I am trying to get my hear around Adlandpro, but I am enjoying myself. It is wonderful to meet nice people such as yourself. Once again, many thanks for giving me a 10 out of 10 rating, which is greatly appreciated and encouraging.


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