About Me
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About Me
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Hi! My name is Kathryn I live in New Jersey. I started Giftthing.com this year. I made major improvements on this web site to help bring people to web site to shop. I have also now made it possible for me to reduce prices on select items where before I had set discount on each page.
The items on the web site are available mainly in the USA only. I do ship outside the USA if the customer is willing to pay for all shipping costs. I currently ship to England.
I prefer being paid by Pay Pal it the safest way to shop online. Your credit information is encrypted so I never see it nor dose Pay Pal. If you choose keep money there you are linked to a money market account which earns you pretty good intrust. I believe I am earning close to 5%. Pay Pal also keeps records of all transactions so if you need to go back and find a customer order you can easily do so.
Steals and Deals We offer grerat prices on board games, toys, printer supplies, clothing, internet service providers, electronics, pet supplies, furniture, children, music, travel, books, movies, gourmet food, weight loss solutions, cars, trucks, motorcycles, vision care and more. Govt. certified nutritional products. Affordable pricing. Pay Plan that creates immediate and long-term income. Free business & website. I just came across the perfect marketing funnel for you to suck prospects into your own Network Empire for F*R*E*E. PLUS You can make $100's in Bonuses everyday! It's already creating a stir among the industry...Go to DataBlaze!
Please also check out my other networking page. Kathryn Schwartz's Ryze Business Networking Page
My Interests
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