
Who is Thom Dickey?

Thom Dickey

Thom Dickey
BirthdayWednesday, June 17, 1953
Member SinceFriday, March 24, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, February 3, 2017
LocationEagle Point, Oregon, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
I hate to write about myself but I will do my best.  I was born & raised in Missouri.  My parents turned out to be the best set of parents that a kid could possibly have.  I graduated high school and joined the navy to get out of my home town.  I traveled the world for 4 years and then returned home only to find that it was no longer home.  I ran away to California and received help from the DAV (disabled american veterans) to get me off the street. I live alone with 2 cats, more about them at a later time.  I have been known to be quite honest and forthcoming but I do try to mix the truth with being tactful.  This is something that I find I have to work at very hard.  I know that I do not and can not know everything thus I do change my mind according to the information that I gather.  I am 53 years old and while I've done more than most people even dream about doing I am still very uneducated when it comes to many topics.  Some topics are best not overly discussed and I find that being able to agree to disagree is a very good way of seeing the world.  If everyone saw everything exactly as I see it then it would be a very dull world indeed.  I welcome other points of view with the understanding that I do not have to change my mind nor do I expect you to change your mind when it comes to many topics.  This is what makes the world go 'round.
I hope to meet many new people through Adland.
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Lori Gaudette - (3/24/2006 5:59:15 PM) : HiThom,
Welcome to Adlandpro. I wanted to be the first to rate you! You are catching on so FAST!! Took me quite awhile before I put up a picture. I am sure your business is going to fly!
Have A GREAT Day
Lori Gaudette

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