
Who is Richard Schulz?

Richard Schulz

Richard Schulz
Member SinceThursday, April 3, 2008
Last ActivityTuesday, March 17, 2009
LocationCorona, New York, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Excerpts from my bio at Richard 


"God gave us one thing that I believe is undeniable, Freedom of choice, I found it and hope that you will also"


"over the next 12 months my weight fluctuated from 180 to 140, new treatment here, new treatment there, but nothing worked for more than a minute or two, at the 11 month mark things changed for the worse, my weight plummeted to 119 pounds, 6′ 119 lbs, any idea what that looks like, can you say “dress me in a white suit with a red zipper and call me thermometer man”


"Wow what a blessing for an 18 year old man with self esteem issues. Well life did get better, found someone to share life with, got married, got my Real Estate License and made lots of money, had it made, problem is give a guy with no self esteem lots of money and they look for acceptance in all the wrong ways"


"Skip ahead 2 years, Everything on the upswing Sober 7 years health not very great, lots of little problems, health gets bad and I have more surgery…. Pain Meds throw my sobriety into a tail spin, once again I start to drink and this time the I was introduced to the “All American Drug; Methamphetamine"


"A 2 year Prison sentence, what the heck happened, never in my life would I have imagined…Today I realize that this was not Gods punishment, this was Gods course of action, Prison required me to sit still" ... Richard Schulz | Full Bio


Some will ask here; Why would someone share this so openly, heres the answer, many people in ourworld share many of the same trails and tribulations that I have gone through, so if only one man or women learns from my story then Gods work has been done one more time.


There is hope, I have learned many things;


1) Although I am greatful for Modern Medicine and the physicians that have treated me, I have also learned that Modern Medicine is not the end all and be all of good health, I have a website that I author; Frequently asked questions about Ayurveda a site about Ayurveda | Ayurvedics and alternative health treatments.

  I author another website that I would have to call a bit more agrandizing, it is none other than, here you will find information on Addiction, Recovery and personal development, My personal experience with Crohns Disease,

and of course Americas Work from Home Business Blog,


Thanks for reading, I invite you to visit my sites and hope that you enjoy!



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