I'm a stay at home dad. Live in the suburbs of Chicago. Have a small 3 bedroom house. Lived in the area most of my life. I'm a Marine Corp Veteran. I was in a Battalion Reconnaissance Unit. if If any of you are veterans, would like to email - maybe been at the same places? Who knows! Honorable discharge. Been married to my lovely wife for 19 years. Yes, we still love each other! We have 2 boys. Both play volleyball. Club and high school. Upon writing this, both my boys just made the cut for high school volleyball. My oldest was accepted to the #2 Naia volleyball school in the nation. They came in 2nd in the national college finals. He will be engineer and play college volleyball. We also got partial scholarships for academic an athletic.
My other boy is a big guy. He is a sophomore.Actually both are taller them my wife and I. Both kids are on the high school honor roll every time.
Just want people to know i'm a real guy. Hope I can meet some cool people.