About Me
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About Me
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Here I am in Sacramento, California, trying to "make it" on the Internet. As a freelance writer, I have been operating my writing business for 25 years, and now, instead of an office downtown, I work at home and hope folks will find my Web site. I write resumes and edit and proofread all sorts of documents, including fiction, nonfiction, letters, and academic papers.
My background includes teaching and journalism (writing and editing). My interests are varied, but the main things are music and photography and wherever those interests may take me. I am a movie buff and just finished a course in how to make videos and adding sound and narration to them. Having grown up through many years of having a darkroom for photo developing, now most of the things I did there can be done on the computer. To add to the list, I just got a camcorder. And--I am writing a book.
I play mandolin, guitar, and piano and play with some groups. Not bad for an old grandma, eh? And, oh, we have four dogs!
Check me out at http//www.WeWriteItRight.com.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Marketing, Ancestry, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Religion, Self-Development, Nutrition, Holistic, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, Writing, Making Music, Philosophy, Photography, Modern Art, Blogs, Computers, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Movies and Film, TV, Audio/Video, News, Current Events, Radio, Music, Biking, Travel, Gardening, Nature, Dogs
Industries: Advertising, E-Business, Networking, Blogs, Computers, Multimedia, Wireless, TV, Audio/Video, News, Current Events